Thursday 28 August 2014

10 sebab mengapa perlu khawin AWAL.

#1 Tuntutan agama

Agama Islam menyarankan kita untuk menyegerakan perkahwinan andai sudah cukup syarat-syarat zahir dan batinnya. Berkahwin juga termasuk amalan sunnah kerana boleh meningkatkan bilangan umat Islam di atas muka bumi. Paling penting, saham akhirat kita juga akan terjamin apabila ada anak soleh yang mendoakan untuk kita apabila di alam kubur nanti. Jika agama menggalakkan, mengapa kita harus melengah-lengahkannya?

saat akad nikah~dapat PAHALA!
suami peluk isteri~dapat PAHALA!
cium isteri~dapat PAHALA!
renung isteri~dapat PAHALA!
suami bekerja untuk cari rezeki halal untuk isteri~PAHALA!
suami bernafsu tengok isteri~PAHALA!
suami pegang isteri ~PAHALA!
suami marah isteri(untuk menegur)~PAHALA!
suami imamkan isteri~BERLIPAT KALI DARAB TAMBAH kali kuasa dua PAHALA!
suami ajar isteri fardhu ain~PAHALA!
suami setubuh isteri~PAHALA!
main kenyit2 mata dengan isteri~PAHALA!

#2 Mengelak daripada zina

Hati manusia mana yang boleh tahan dengan godaan duniawi di zaman sekarang? Iman kita bukanlah setebal mana mahu memikul gelora nafsu yang melonjak-lonjak seawal usia 18 tahun lagi. Jika harapkan ideologi kolot di mana seseorang itu hanya boleh berkahwin setelah mempunyai kerja, sebuah kereta dan rumah, sudah pasti usia sudah menjengah 29 tahun. Bayangkan derita yang perlu ditanggung selama 10 tahun sebelum sampai waktu itu? Anak muda sekarang: SMS dan bergayut tak henti, berpegangan tangan, menonton wayang midnight, bukankah itu boleh membangkitkan nafsu dan membawa kepada zina? Solusinya ialah menyegerakan akad nikah agar tidak terus terlanjur. Ia bukan sahaja dapat mengelak hubungan luar nikah, malah kes kahwin lari dan pembuangan bayi juga boleh diatasi.

#3 Menjadi lebih bertanggungjawab

Jika selama ini hanya ada seorang ibu bapa, kini sudah menjadi anak kepada dua ibu dan dua bapa. Jika selama ini bekerja @ belajar sambil lewa, sekarang lebih bermotivasi dan dedikasi demi menyara keluarga tercinta.

#4 Menimbulkan ketenangan jiwa

Jiba bertanya kepada mereka yang sudah beristeri/ bersuami, mereka pasti menyatakan betapa asyik dan seronoknya alam perkahwinan. Ketenenangan yang dirasa sukar difahami dan diterjemah dalam kata. Ya, memang ada ketikanya pening kepala memikirkan tentang kerenah pasangan, assignment, ansuran kereta, sewa rumah; tetapi semua ini diubati dengan seorang peneman yang sedia menjadi bahu tempat bersandar, dan menjadi rakan di kala suka dan duka. Kehadiran seorang cahaya mata yang comel akan menyerikan lagi mahligai yang dibina

#5 Fikiran menjadi lebih matang

Berkahwin dapat merubah hidup seseorang yang dahulunya terumbang-ambing kepada lebih berwawasan. Tiada lagi masa untuk melepak bersama rakan, membaca komik atau ber-facebook, dan digantikan dengan perkara yang lebih berfaedah dan matang.

#6 Dapat Membaiki diri

Ramai mengakui, turning point paling penting dalam kehidupan mereka adalah perkahwinan kerana mulai detik itulah mereka berubah menjadi insan yang lebih baik. Sikap panas baran dan pemalas semasa zaman bujang dapat dikikis sedikit demi sedikit. Si isteri pula sudah rajin untuk ke dapur dan mengemas rumah. Solat juga didirikan secara berjemaah andai ada kelapangan masa.

#7 Plan jangka panjang

Jika berkahwin muda, sudah tentu memperoleh cahaya mata awal. Belum sampai waktu persaraan pun tanggungjawab untuk anak-anak sudah selesai kerana mereka semua sudah besar panjang. Dengan tubuh yang masih cergas, ekonomi yang kukuh, dan anak-anak pun sudah dewasa, suami isteri bolehlah menghabiskan masa-masa yang selebihnya berdua ataupun pergi honeymoon tanpa gangguan

Baca juga 8 Tips Untuk Menyakinkan Keluarga Anda dan Si Dia Untuk Berkahwin Muda

#8 Seks yang lebih berkualiti

Pastinya tenaga di usia muda lebih kuat berbanding lewat umur. Tahukah anda, menurut kajian perubatan, antara faktor utama kemandulan adalah berkahwin lambat? Kaum hawa juga perlu waspada di mana jika anda berkahwin di usia lingkungan 35 tahun, anda mungkin dinasihatkan untuk tidak mengandung kerana bimbang berlaku komplikasi.

#9 Rezeki bertambah

Antara alasan mereka yang mahu melambat-lambatkan perkahwinan ialah kerana kebutuhan kewangan. Makan minum, pakaian, ansuran kereta dan rumah, lampin anak, kirim duit kepada mentua dan macam-macam lagi yang selalu memukul kotak fikiran. Tapi percayalah, Tuhan tidak akan membebankan hambanya melebihi apa yang bisa ditanggung oleh mereka. Berkahwin adalah tuntutan agama, dengan sendirinya rezeki itu akan datang kepada anda walaupun pada mulanya sedikit, tapi kelak anda akan dapat mengatasi kesulitan itu selagi anda percaya dan bepegang kepada rahmat-Nya.

#10 Jangan tunggu lama-lama

Pasti ada di kalangan anda yang sudah mempunyai kekasih, bukan? Jika benar anda menyayanginya dan berkongsi hidup dengannya, mengapa harus ditunggu lagi? Ingat, sekarang ini ramai lelaki hidung belang. Bila-bila masa sahaja bunga anda boleh dirayu sang kumbang sial. Andai itu berlaku, gigit jari sajalah.

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Backup and transfer program from one computer to another.


Open up Total Uninstall

Here you will see the list of programs available. I typed in Evernote in the search box to single out the application I will be working with.

Analyze the program for all associated files

Right click the application you want to transfer and hover over analyze and click advanced.

Create a backup of program

After program has finished analyzing click file > Create the backup for the program...
After prompt opens click create and then finish.

Export registry entries for program

Now go ahead and go back to file and this time hover over export and click registry changes.
Leave all the default settings and click OK. Under Save As navigate to C:\ProgramData\Martau\Total Uninstall 6\Backup and go ahead and save there.

Get the Security Identifier(SID) of your user account

Go to the computer you are going to copy this to and open Command Prompt(click Windows start button and in the run box type "cmd.exe" without quotes).
Once you have Command Prompt open type the command "wmic useraccount get name,sid" without quotes.
This should list all SID's for all users on the computer.

Edit registry file so it will work on other computer

Now in Windows Explorer navigate to C:\ProgramData\Martau\Total Uninstall 6\Backup (you may have to enable show for hidden files and folders)
Right click the registry file you created and click edit, it should bring it up in notepad.
From there should be towards the top, select the SID that appears as the following
S-#-#-##-##########-#########-##########-#### and copy it.
Press ctrl+h and in the find what box paste the number sequence you just copied.
In the replace with box you want to type in the number you took down from the other computer.
Now click replace all and then save and exit the registry file.

Copy files to flash drive

Copy the registry file and the backup file to a flash drive(in my case it would be Evernote v. and Evernote v. 4.5.3.Install.reg)

Paste files to the backup folder

On the computer your going to be transferring this to navigate to C:\ProgramData\Martau\Total Uninstall 6\Backup. Once you are here paste the files you put on your flash drive.

Restore backup on other computer

Open up Total Uninstall on your computer and click File > Restore a program from backup...
Select the program you want to restore from list and click restore and then finish.

Import programs registry settings

Navigate now to where you pasted your backup files, which should be C:\ProgramData\Martau\Total Uninstall 6\Backup.
Double click the registry file and click yes and then click ok.

Test program to see that it works!

Now click start and then all programs and open up your file.
All settings should be there from previous computer along with the program fully functional.

What you can do about pairing bluetooth failures?

What you can do about pairing failures?

1. Determine which pairing process your device employs. The process for pairing devices can vary. Sometimes, for example, it involves tapping a code into your phone. Other times, you need to physically touch your phone to the device you want to pair it with; for example, the Sony SmartWatch 2 uses NFC (near field communication) in combination with Bluetooth for pairing. Or in the case of the Nike+ FuelBand, you only have to hold down a button on the watch to pair it with an iPhone.

If you’re not sure how to pair a device, refer to its user guide; you can usually find one by searching online.

2. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on. You should see the little Bluetooth symbol at the top of your phone’s screen. If you don’t, go into the settings to enable it.

3. Turn on discoverable mode. Let’s say you want to pair your phone with your car’s infotainment systemso you can enjoy hands-free calling, texting and navigation. First, go into your phone’s settings and tap on Bluetooth; doing so makes the phone visible to the car. Then depress the buttons on your car's infotainment system, usually on the steering wheel or center stack, to get it looking for the device.

Once it finds your phone, the car will display a numeric code you need to confirm or input on your phone. After you do so, the devices should be paired. Keep in mind your phone will only stay in discoverable mode for a few minutes; if you take too long, you’ll need to start over.

4. Power the devices off and back on. A soft reset sometimes can resolve an issue. With phones, an easy way to do this is by going into and out of airplane mode.

5. Delete a device from a phone and rediscover it. If your phone sees a device but isn’t receiving data from it, sometimes it helps to start from scratch. In iOS settings, you can remove a device by tapping on its name and then Forget this Device. In Android settings, tap on a device’s name, then Unpair. After removing a device, start at step 1 on this list.

6. Make sure the devices you want to pair are designed to connect with each other. Whether it’s a headset, speaker, mouse, keyboard, camera or something else, your device has a specific profile that spells out what it can connect with. If you’re not sure, check the user manual.

7. Download a driver. If you’re having problems pairing something with your PC, you might be lacking the correct driver. The simplest way to figure this out is to do an online search for the name of the device you’re trying to pair along with the word “driver.”


Threats in E.D.I

Types of Threats :

Cost Most companies are discouraged from the use of EDI by its initial and operative cost. The initial cost for installation of an EDI system, training and re-engineering of processes some times is high and cannot be justified by small and medium companies with low volume of transactions.

Business environment

The decision of implementing an EDI system relies as well on business environment of the company its clients and suppliers and the sector of activity. The company has to take into consideration whether its business partners already use or intend to use EDI systems.

Usually the company considers the use of an EDI system if the main client or supplier requires it, or if it is widely used in the sector.


Security is one of the most important aspects when dealing with transmission of documents such as orders, invoices and payments. An EDI communication system must provides the trading partners with:
confidentiality of messages
authenticity of messages
functional acknowledgements of receipt
protection of messages

There are several security methods that are used in an EDI communication system. These are:
passwords, personal identification numbers
message authentication code

 In a lot of national laws commercial transactions must be accompanied by written documents. The replacement of hard-copy documents with electronic ones requires legislature adjustments that usually require more time than technological changes.

nota kaki berbicara

Types of Bluetooth Connections

All of the Bluetooth APIs are available in the android.bluetoothpackage. Here's a summary of the classes and interfaces you will need to create Bluetooth connections:
Represents the local Bluetooth adapter (Bluetooth radio). The BluetoothAdapter is the entry-point for all Bluetooth interaction. Using this, you can discover other Bluetooth devices, query a list of bonded (paired) devices, instantiate a BluetoothDevice using a known MAC address, and create aBluetoothServerSocket to listen for communications from other devices.
Represents a remote Bluetooth device. Use this to request a connection with a remote device through aBluetoothSocket or query information about the device such as its name, address, class, and bonding state.
Represents the interface for a Bluetooth socket (similar to a TCP Socket). This is the connection point that allows an application to exchange data with another Bluetooth device via InputStream and OutputStream.
Represents an open server socket that listens for incoming requests (similar to a TCP ServerSocket). In order to connect two Android devices, one device must open a server socket with this class. When a remote Bluetooth device makes a connection request to the this device, the BluetoothServerSocket will return a connected BluetoothSocket when the connection is accepted.
Describes the general characteristics and capabilities of a Bluetooth device. This is a read-only set of properties that define the device's major and minor device classes and its services. However, this does not reliably describe all Bluetooth profiles and services supported by the device, but is useful as a hint to the device type.
An interface that represents a Bluetooth profile. A Bluetooth profile is a wireless interface specification for Bluetooth-based communication between devices. An example is the Hands-Free profile. 
Provides support for Bluetooth headsets to be used with mobile phones. This includes both Bluetooth Headset and Hands-Free (v1.5) profiles.
Defines how high quality audio can be streamed from one device to another over a Bluetooth connection. "A2DP" stands for Advanced Audio Distribution Profile.
Represents a Health Device Profile proxy that controls the Bluetooth service.
An abstract class that you use to implement BluetoothHealth callbacks. You must extend this class and implement the callback methods to receive updates about changes in the application’s registration state and Bluetooth channel state.
Represents an application configuration that the Bluetooth Health third-party application registers to communicate with a remote Bluetooth health device.
An interface that notifies BluetoothProfile IPC clients when they have been connected to or disconnected from the service (that is, the internal service that runs a particular profile)

Types of backup methods

Full Backups
Full backup is the starting point for all other backups, and contains all the data in the folders and files that are selected to be backed up. Because full backup stores all files and folders, frequent full backups result in faster and simpler restore operations. Remember that when you choose other backup types, restore jobs may take longer.
  • This approach is good when the project includes 
  • not so large amounts of data.
Incremental Backups
An incremental backup stores all files that have changed since the last backup. The advantage of anincremental backup is that it takes the least time to complete. However, during a restore operation, eachincremental backup must be processed, which could result in a lengthy restore job.
  • This approach is good when the project includes too
  •  many files to back up them all each time. 
  • It's fast and takes less time for incremental backups. 
  • Incremental backups take less disk space.
  •  It allows you to create backups frequently. 
Differential Backups
differential backup contains all files that have changed since the Previous full backup. The advantage of adifferential backup is that it shortens restore time compared to an incremental backup. However, if you perform the differential backup too many times, the size of the differential backup might grow to be larger than the baseline full backup.
  • Is intermediate between the first two approaches.
  •  It is also good when the conditions are intermediate.
  • Each differential backup includes all the project files.
  •  changed since the last full backup.
  •  It takes less time and space than "Always Full", 
  • but more than "Full+Incremental". 
Mirror Backups

Mirror backup includes all files that have changed since the last normal (full) or mirror backup, missing files are also be deleted from the backup set. The resulting backup archive consists of either one compressed file or one folder.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Benefits of E.D.I


  •          TIME DELAYS

Delays are caused primarily by two factors. Paper documents may take days to transport from one location to another. Manual processing delays are caused by the need to key, file, retrieve, and compare data.

  •          ERRORS

Information is keyed multiple times and documents are transported, stored, and retrieved by people, non-EDI systems tend to be error prone.

  •          UNCERTAINTY

Uncertainty exists in two areas .First, paper transportation and other manual processing delays mean that the time the document is received is uncertain. Second, , the sender does not even know whether the transaction has been received at all nor whether the receiver agrees with what was sent in the transaction.

  •       LABOUR COSTS

While automated equipment can help with some of these processes, most managers will agree that labor costs for document processing represents a significant proportion of their overhead. In general, labor-based processes are much more expensive than non-labor-intensive operations involving computers and telecommunications.
